Captain of the Pirates

By: Nayeli Esqueda

Jan 27th, 2017


With the end of the first semester students and staff are full of stress but also relief. The accomplishment of having half a year done, and only half of it left to go before summer vacation excites everyone. The end of the semester also gives students and staff the chance to get into the routine of how semesters would look like and be prepare for the upcoming years. The semester also helped our principal Don Rugraff understand the objectives that were needed in order to make a difference. As many of you may remember last year was Mrs. Hale’s last year of being our principal after ten years. During registration days last year, students were introduced to Don Rugraff. The new principal at Phoenix.

Don Rugraff our new principal used to teach for twelve years before working for administration. His first semester here at Phoenix went “very fast and was very exciting, and i’ve learned a great  deal.” Examples include policy procedures, changing email accounts, open enrollment, learning how to use the technology that surrounds the entire school, and being able to connect colleges to Phoenix. With the beginning of the second semester coming close Rugraff’s goal is to improve student success, but also staff success. Rugraff sees student success everywhere from the theater production, choir, band, and the athletics. The best type of success is the type where someone has good character. The students that do the right thing, such as taking a phone or wallet to the office or throwing trash that isn’t yours away, demonstrate the basic skills that make an impact in the community. One thing that caught his eye is the environment that surrounds Phoenix. With Phoenix being a small community it’s easy for everyone to keep an eye on each other and help one another.  Another thing that makes Phoenix such a great place is the student and staff relationships, that help nurture the minds of tomorrow. It creates a strong foundation that can be built upon and creates something amazing. His favorite location in the entire school is anywhere that allows him to be with students, staff, or in general people. “It doesn’t matter the location I just like to interact and find out what’s going on and if there are things that I can do to help out individuals.”

With the retirement of Mrs. Hale and the introduction of Don Rugraff it has affected the students and the staff. Nathaniel Morales a sophomore at Phoenix describes the change of principals as an “odd shift, but I believe he will be a great addition to our school.”  

I would like to personally thank Don Rugraff for giving the time that was needed to create this article. Congrats Dr. Rugraff for completing your first semester of being the principal of the pirates. I also would like to congratulate the students and staff for also completing the semester. Only half a year before summer, so good luck to everyone on the the second semester.

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